Launch of the Polish press digital collection

We invite you to the launch of the digital collection of Polish periodicals published in Brazil from the end of the 19th century to the second half of the 20th century that were previously unavailable online. The creation of the collection by the Center for Polish Studies at UFPR ocurred in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland and is co-financed with funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
Our launch event will feature lectures by Prof. Dr. Izabela Drozdowska-Broering (UFSC) and Prof. Dr. Rhuan Trindade (UNICENTRO), with the aim of familiarizing the public with the richness and importance of the Polish press in the history of our region. It also emphasizes the value of periodicals as an object of study, hitherto little researched, for various areas of research, such as history, linguistics and literary studies.
The event will take on 21/11/2024 (Thursday) at 6:30 pm (Brasília time) on the UFPR campus and remotely on the Youtube channel of the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras UFPR and can be accessed via the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJvbAb0EMzI.

Translating: introducing, seducing and abducting: Poland-Brazil translators' seminar

Opening Ceremony
Lusophone literatures in Poland - Wojciech Charchalis (UAM - Poland)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M80YGV8cHIk
Translation: an ‘unbridled act’ and Don Quixotesque - Henryk Siewierski (UnB)
Between words and cultures: some challenges in translating Polish into Portuguese - Eduardo Nadalin (UFPR)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_h9LX_iBVkU
Translating balances of a Brazilian polonist - Marcelo Paiva de Souza (UFPR)
Translator as reader and author - Piotr Kilanowski (UFPR)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d80jAZuGRPQ
The diversity of translation - Luiz Henrique Budant (UFPR)
My experience in translation: some notes - Milena Woitovicz Cardoso (UFPR)
Translating the inhuman and the overly human in Tadeusz Borowski's short stories - Matheus Moreira Pena (UFPR)
In search of a translator's strategy: based on interviews with Piotr Kilanowski - Tetiana Mykhailova (UFPR)
First translations - a challenge beyond language - Tais Machado Soares (UFPR)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U33Am3OSaf4
Close encounters with Polish literature - Maurício Cardozo (UFPR), Caetano Galindo (UFPR), Guilherme Gontijo Flores (UFPR)
Translating: Conversation with Wojciech Charchalis
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyr3a3D2Xig

On Polish Sign Language with Prof. Dr. Karolina Ruta

On Polish Sign Language with Prof. Dr. Karolina Ruta
- Status and development of Polish sign language;
- Open meeting on sign language research in Poland and Brazil, with postgraduate students;
- Minicourse on Polish Sign Language.

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 6: The transformative power of literature. Irit Amiel`s testimonial (dr hab. Anita Jarzyna (UŁ) i dr hab. Marta Tomczok, prof. UŚ).

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 5: lecture by prof. dr hab. Jerzy Kandziora

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 4 - Tadeusz Borowski: how to tell Auschwitz

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Sławomir Buryła.

Struggling with pain, exile and death in the poetry of Alexander Wat - lecture with Prof. Jerzy Borowczyk, Ph.D.

Recovering the greatness and pathos of poetry: on the lyricism of Anna Świrszczyńska. - Lecture with Prof. Dr. Tomasz Mizerkiewicz

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 3: Landscapes of Memory. A conversation with writer Agata Tuszynska.

History, memory and imagination. Encounter with Cezary Harasimowicz.

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 2 - Conversation with Elżbieta Ficowska

Conversation with Elżbieta Ficowska

"Travel agency" and other poems: conversation with Krystyna Dąbrowska

"looking for words that are not there": Polish literature and the Holocaust - Encounter 1 - Poetry and testimonials
Poetry and testimonials

Live "13 years of Polish Studies at the UFPR"

Polish cinema with Piotr Kilanowski - Podcast Oscilações

Viva Ucrânia - Long live Ukraine: on history, literature and language. Ukraine - a war of narratives

Ukraine - a war of narratives - Wolf-Dietrich Sahr (UFPR)
Krótka historia języka ukraińskiego - Márcio Renato Guimarães (UFPR)Obecność Mikołaja Gogola w literaturze rosyjskiej XX wieku - Henryk Siewierski (UnB)
Poezja jako opór i droga do „uczciwej śmierci” w wierszach Stusa, Symonenki, Żadana i Ratuchinskiej - Piotr Kilanowski (UFPR)

Domosławski non-fiction - a conversation.

Eventos anteriores
Lecture: A Tinker on the Scale of Galaxies: W. Szymborska's Apology for Tininess

Ricardo Gil Soeiro, University of Lisbon

Encounters with Polish poetry - dialogs

Open course: Encounters with Polish Poetry

Lecture "A Waiting Lesson of the Enlightenment: the 18th century in Poland's socialist propaganda"

Dr. Agata Wdowik, University of Warsaw

Symposium: "The Planet Lem"

Lecture "Polish names and surnames - past and present"

Dr. Ewa Nowak-Pasterska, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

"There is no debauchery worse than thinking.” - Wislawa Szymborska and philosophy

Roan Costa Cordeiro, UFPR, Alexandre de Oliveira Ferreira, UNIFESP, Piotr Kilanowski, UFPR

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